DigiLinksFurther links to websites with information, technologies, services, blogs* and much more. *The websites and services listed are for inspiration and promotion of information only. The websites and services have not been reviewed. Do you have any further input or links that could be added to this page?Let us know your favorites! IoT & sensor technologySmaXtecJohn Deere Robotics & AutomationLelyDeLavalNaio Technologies Precision farmingSmart technologies in agriculture test stationSwiss Future FarmISF Institute for Intelligent Systems and Smart FarmingExperimental station nutrient flows Data management & analysisAgriCircle Farm Management Information Systems FMISAgroplusBarto AGsmartfarmOperations CentereField calendar Messenger Services Supply Chain ManagementSwiss Alpine Community for Mountain Areas Education and adviceSwiss Future FarmAgroscope Training CenterAGRIDEA coursesRobert Aebi Landtechnik AG Research & InnovationFiBLETH Zurich - Agricultural SciencesZHAW - School of Life Sciences and Facility ManagementHAFL - Bern University of Applied Sciences International ProjectsEU: QuantiFarm